Thursday, December 10, 2009

Girl on the Other Side by Deborah Kerbel


Girl on the Other Side

Title: Girl on the Other Side

Author: Deborah Kerbel

Rating: 8/10


Tabby Freeman and Lora Froggett go to the same school, but they live in totally opposite worlds. Tabby is rich, pretty, and the most popular girl in her class. But behind closed doors, her ‘perfect’ life is rapidly coming apart at the seams.

On the other side, Lora is smart, timid, and the constant target of bullies. While struggling to survive the piranha-infested halls of her school, she becomes increasingly nervous that somebody might discover the unbearable truth about what’s been happening to her family.

Despite their differences, Tabby and Lora have something in common – they’re both harbouring dark secrets and a lot of pain. Although they’ve never been friends, a series of strange events causes their lives to crash together in ways neither could have ever imagined. And when the dust finally settles and all their secrets are forced out into the light, will the girls be saved . or destroyed?

My Thoughts: Girl on the Other Side started out slow but ended up being much better than I ever expected. While the two main characters were pretty stereotypical, I felt that they each had a few characteristics that made them a little more real. However, I wish that some of the other characters had been more involved in the story and given more personality. I feel like the only two characters we ever get to know are the main ones, even though so many other characters were introduced.

Fortunately, the plot made up for my issues with the characters. Even though it seems like the plot is going to be your general popular vs. unpopular plot, there is so much more to it than that. I loved the family issues added to each side of the story and, for me, that’s what really made it stand out in my mind.

Overall, while I do wish that it had been longer, I recommend this one. It’s more than your typical popular girl vs unpopular and makes for a great read!


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