The Ten Years Thinner dietary elimination/reintroduction schedule proceeds as follows:
1. For the first two weeks of the Ten Years Thinner program,
all legumes, soy-based foods, dairy, grains, and other high glycemic
index carbs (potatoes, dried fruit, fruit juice, alcohol, etc.) are off limits.
2. At the beginning of week three, legumes are reintroduced.
3. At the beginning of week four, dairy and soy-based foods are reintroduced.
4. At the beginning of week five, select grains and other high glycemic
index carbs are reintroduced.
5. After week six, you may resume drinking alcohol.
The Lean Essentials:
#1: Eat Frequently
TheTen Years Thinner meal plan calls for the daily consumption of three mandatory meals, two mandatory between-meal snacks, and an optional pre-bedtime snack. You might be worried about how your body will react to so much food. Don’t be! Eating frequently does not make you fat. On the contrary, the more frequently you eat, the faster you’ll build a firm, flab-free physique. There are several reasons for this.
#2: Drink Frequently
The Ten Years Thinner meal plan calls for the consumption of at least 60 ounces (about two liters) of fluid per day, or about 10 to 12 ounces with every meal and snack. This volume should be in addition to whatever fluids you drink when exercising.
#3: Include a Full Serving of
Lean Protein with Every Meal
As you know, adequate protein, consumed frequently throughout the day, is absolutely vital to muscle toning and fat burning. It might interest you to learn that protein has roughly three times the thermic effect of either fat or carbohydrate. That means the more protein your meal contains, the more calories you will burn digesting your food.
#4: Include at Least One Serving of
Fruit and/or Vegetables with Every Meal
The health benefits of high consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables are legion. The Ten Years Thinner meal plan includes a minimum of one serving of fruit and/or vegetables with each of your three meals. To estimate what constitutes a serving, just go straight to the end of your wrist. Use your fist as a gauge: One serving of fruit equals approximately one fist; one serving of vegetables (or salad) equals approximately two fists.
#5: Cook Exclusively with Cold-Pressed
Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
As you know from Chapter 3, fat plays a vital role in signaling your brain that you’re full so you are not tempted to overeat. In addition, fat slows the absorption of carbohydrates and functionally lowers the glycemic index of a meal. For these reasons alone, it is important to include moderate amounts of fat with every meal and snack.
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