Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Book Review: The Hole In Our Gospel

The Hole In Our Gospel


Richard Stearns


The Hole In Our Gospel(henceforth “Hole”) is a disconcerting book. Richard Stearns, president of World Vision shakes the reader to his core.

Stearns chronicles his own journey to the top of the corporate ladder, his realization of the American Dream, and his call to aid the poor. It seems that Stearns had it all, and then some. God, however, had other plans for him. God’s plans were not for Stearns to stay on top of the corporate ladder, in the executive suite, and driving a Jaguar. God’s plans were for him to learn that there was indeed a hole in his (Stearns) gospel.

What is this hole? We speak of having the whole gospel, but Stearns declares that there is a hole in our gospel. What is it? “Hole” was written to show us that Jesus’ ministry as well as God’s Word speaks much to the fact that God cares much for the poor, downtrodden, destitute, and diseased. Our gospel, however, does very little to show them good news. It does very little to alleviate their sufferings.

It is precisely this hole that “Hole” seeks to fill. Stearns shows how God led him into service helping these forgotten peoples. He then calls us to recognize that we have so very much in the USA, but give so very little.

My thoughts were that this book would be a statistical sort of book that would be boring. It is not. It is a very practical and gripping book. It is also a convicting book.

“Hole” will cause the reader to examine his/her attitudes toward possessions and money. As well it should.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for commenting on Rich Stearns’ new book, The Hole in Our Gospel. This book has already had a tremendous impact on many Christians. Bill Hybels, Senior Pastor of Willow Creek Church, just bought 10,000 copies of the book to give to his congregation. Hybels told his church, “This is one of the finest books I have ever read. It is my goal to get every member of Willow Creek Church to read it.” To find out more information about the book and Stearns, you can visit www.theholeinourgospel.com. You’ll find on this site a lot of great resources and supplemental material to the book. You can also read Rich’s blog and engage in a forum discussion there. It’s a fantastic site – I encourage you to check it out!
