Into the Wild = Twice: I absolutely loved this story, although it was tragic and depressing. It’s the true story of Chris McCandless and his journey to find himself amongst the brutal Alaskan wilderness. He ultimately succumbs to starvation, but not before realizing that “Happiness is best when shared.” It is a statement that I now hold near to my heart. The book made me realize that it’s the people around you and love in your life that makes you truly happy. A life alone is simply a lonely life.
Three Weeks with My Brother: This book, from the writer of The Notebook, Nicholas Sparks, focuses on his journey through life and the eventual success that followed. The story mainly centers on a trip around the world he shares with his brother as they journey through memories of childhood and tragedies they have overcome. It proved to be the perfect read while sitting back and relaxing on a beach in Cancun. It was full of bittersweet moments that somehow molded themselves into hope for a brighter tomorrow. Overall, it was a surprisingly heartfelt story that ignited my eagerness to continue my newfound love of reading.
The Catcher in the Rye: The writing style was not only fun but intriguing. If you did not have the opportunity to read this in high school, I would highly recommend it. For me it lacked any pretention and flowed seamlessly. I caught myself often chuckling at simple passages. It was the perfect before bedtime read.The Remains of the Day: A somewhat humbling look at life and the inhibiting nature of work. This book was actually recommended to me and was a true delight. It made me realize that I should never put too much of an emphasis in my life on work and consistently try my best to find the true “matters of importance.” This is a truly profound novel that is sure to strike a chord within you.
The Five People You Meet In Heaven: I was rather taken aback at how unbelievably unemotional the book was for me. Although interesting, it lacked the fluidity and intrigue I was expecting. I can’t say I hated the story, nor can I say it was badly written, but of all the books I read this year, it was one of my least favorites. I honestly felt that the main character’s story was a bit depressing and I never truly became engulfed by the book itself.
A Separate Peace: Not as exciting as I had hoped. In an effort to catch up on reading I never did in high school I was a bit disappointed with this one. I suppose I expected a bit too much, but nonetheless it was a well written novel. Whereas the books I read before were page turners, I found myself forcing to read this at times. However, I do believe I am better for reading it.
My Booky Wook: A tongue and cheek autobiographical look into the life of Russell Brand. Definitely an interesting read, but lacking descriptive substance towards the middle and end, it didn’t quite live up to the comedic nature of its beginning. However, with the laugh out loud moments it provided I would recommend it.
The Thirteenth Tale: This book is mesmerizing in its writing style and a definite page turner after about forty pages. I thoroughly enjoyed this book by Diane Setterfield and it is now one of my favorite of all time. The mystery that unfolds with each page is absolutely captivating and I honestly doubt anyone would have any problems with this story. Extremely well written and flowing with the utmost ease, I highly recommend this with four stars and a cherry on top.
The Shack: For any person of faith this book is a definite must read. It takes a tragic story and provides hope by introducing the importance of putting your faith and trust in God. It focuses on the struggles of one man to completely immerse himself in God after the death of his young daughter. It is a struggle that many people suffer with and the book provides a nice commentary on the subject. The book is an emotional journey, but is a journey I believe all Christians should take.
Ending Your Day Right (Daily Devotional by Joyce Meyer): Every night before going to bed I read this daily devotional. It is the perfect end to any day as it constantly fills me with hope and encouragement. If you are looking for a way to strengthen your faith in God and your outlook on life, this is a definite everyday read.
Bible (New Testament): I finished the New Testament once again, which always provide a sense of hope and new insight every time I read it. The Bible should always be read and I truly enjoyed the experience once again.
Love in the Time of Cholera: Currently reading this story, but it will likely be on next year’s reading review.
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