Monday, August 31, 2009

A book based on a song? Now THAT'S creativity!

Another book review, coming up!


Impossible by Nancy Werlin

Copyright 2008, Dial Books

365 pages, fantasy

17-year-old Lucy Scarborough lives with her foster parents, as her single mother went insane at the time of her birth. Lucy has no true feelings for her mother, and doesn’t care what happens to her. But Lucy’s life changes forever after one traumatic night, after which her good friend Zach Greenfield finds and brings to her Miranda’s (Lucy’s mother’s) diary from when she was still sand. Zach, Lucy, and Lucy’s foster parents learn that Lucy’s family has been cursed for generations: Every Scarborough girl will have a baby girl at eighteen and will go mad upon that child’s birth. The only way to end the curse is to complete three “impossible” tasks: Make a magical shirt, without any seams or needlework; Find an acre of land between the salt water and the sea strand; Plow [that land] with a goat’s horn and sow it all over with one grain of corn.

All the other Scarborough girls before Lucy had tryed to end the curse and failed. But they were alone, and Lucy has her parents and Zach for support and advice. Lucy knows that she absolutely must complete the tasks, for her own sake and her baby’s.

An immensely sreative novel based on the classic ballad Scarborough Fair and cleverly set in modern times, Impossible will keep readers turning pages. Sometimes, though, the author will suddenly hurl an event or development at the readers, throwing her (or him!) off-kilter for a while.

Rating: 4 stars

For more information visit


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